



Infrastructure Services

365-day operations have become the norm for every global business today. The setup, management and maintenance of IT Infrastructure are the emerging new challenges for such businesses that require zero down time for their IT infrastructure, requiring massive investment in IT Infrastructure Services. Such IT Infrastructure Services also help enterprises keep pace with heterogeneous environments, proliferating desktop users, and integrated applications.

Our Infrastructure Management Service is a time-tested and proven service offering focused on reducing your operational costs and ensuring maximized availability and performance of your IT. We have the focus and expertise required to provide an entire spectrum of IT Infrastructure Services and infrastructure maintenance services in the domestic and international markets.

Network: Many IT organizations are being asked to reduce operational expenses while competitive pressures require an infrastructure that supports mission-critical applications to fuel new initiatives. The pressure to reduce IT expenditures remains constant, and areas for reduction that won’t impact service quality are harder to identify. Our client tailored services ensure your Network Becomes Efficient and Effective. Our processes help in Measuring performance of the network infrastructure in terms of business requirements. Optimizing Network Infrastructure to Reduce Costs.


  • Better network infrastructure reliability and availability
  • Optimized network performance
  • Optimal bandwidth utilization
  • Predictable network management costs

Systems Operations

We can help build and manage your organization’s systems environment for optimal performance and optimized IT investment. We have the necessary expertise in managing highly critical systems environment on a 24×7 basis. These are our services for monitoring and managing the availability, health and performance of your servers, operating systems, databases, web servers, web applications and storage environment 24×7. We ensure that your system is free of any defects via proactive monitoring, auto trouble ticket generation, notification and quick resolution of any incidents.


  • Improved compute infrastructure availability
  • Increased application availability
  • Optimized systems performance
  • Optimal resource utilization


A comprehensive security services including firewall, anti-virus, intrusion prevention and detection, all in one box. For years, IT specialists built complex walls to keep the internet and intranets separate, resulting in many gaps and a variety of gateways. By helping global companies consolidate gateways, we enable them to drive down costs and ensure greater consistency.


  • Security readiness of the organization
  • Identifying and assimilating the threats and risks in the assets
  • Provide efficient management of the security infrastructure
  • Proactively tracking vulnerabilities and providing fixes before they are exploited